Advanced technology that heals
SoftWave is an advanced technological marvel, harnessing the power of high-energy electrical discharges in water to deliver remarkable healing benefits. This groundbreaking approach involves discharging voltage between opposing electrode tips, one positively charged and the other negatively charged. This electrical arc or spark gap leads to voltage equalization between the tips, resulting in the formation of a hot plasma bubble. This bubble rapidly expands in all directions, causing the surrounding water to compress, and, within mere nanoseconds (10-9 ns), generates pressures exceeding 10 megapascals (MPa).
The SoftWave system efficiently delivers low-intensity, non-focused energy through the patented parabolic reflector applicator, manifesting as parallel waves. This UNFOCUSED SHOCK WAVE technology, makes it a one-of-a-kind solution in the market. Despite the fact that electrohydraulic shock wave energy in water travels five times faster (3355 mph) than in air (767 mph), it miraculously avoids causing microtrauma.
Conditions We Treat
Shin Splints
Knee Problems
Golfers Elbow
Tennis Elbow
Work-Related Injuries
Nerve Entrapments (including Sciatic Nerve)
Plantar Fasciitis
Low Back Pain
Hand Weakness, Numbness and Tingling
Neck Pain
Hip Pain
Rotator Cuff
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome