Stephanie VanOver, LAc offers a safe, tranquil environment where every client is treated with warmth, respect & compassion. Stephanie attended East West College of Natural Medicine and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Professional Health Sciences and a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine.  For the duration of the five year program, she was fortunate to study under Dr Guoxiang Zhu, a well known chief physician from China; and with Dr Zhao Lan Cao, a master Chinese herbalist.  Her studies included Traditional Chinese Medicine, Classical & Japanese Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology, Clinical Nutrition, & Homeopathy.

Stephanie's experience and intuitive touch have provided relief for a wide range of clients. Her clientele has included professional athletes, health care workers, busy professionals, moms-to-be, retirees, and fellow bodyworkers. Focused on achieving the wellness goals of each client, she assesses and then applies the appropriate modalities. Restoration to optimal health is a joint effort, and optimal healing occurs when client and therapist work as a "team" with the shared vision of improved health and well-being.